With work encompassing a range of media, I work to develop and harness the skills to follow idea threads and cross contaminate connections. I am interested in systems of knowledge and often incorporate them into my art practice. A lifelong passion for literature, philosophy, history, spirituality and science also provides fodder for the work.
A particular recurring concern has been the importance of maintaining an organic and tactile presence in my art making, despite incorporating (and subverting) digital technology and mindset. Yet underlying these conceptual and intellectual templates, there are richly autobiographical elements, usually intuitively present, as making art is inextricably linked with my life and personal history.
My work has been exhibited in Canada, the USA, Europe and Australia, including New York's Museum of Modern Art and the National Gallery of Canada. Some also resides in numerous private and public collections including the Glenbow Museum, the National Gallery of Canada and TBC Bank collection in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Colleen Kerr’s work has been written about in:
"Performance Art in Canada, 1970-1990", ed. Clive Robertson & Alain-Martin Robert
"Caught in the Act an Anthology of Performance Art by Women", essay by Nelson Henricks, ed. Tanya Mars & Joanna Householder
"Alberta Art and Artists, an Overview" by Mary-Beth Laviolette & Patricia Ainslie
Numerous articles and reviews in national and international media.
Recent Exhibitions
Textile Narratives, embroidery, CityScape Community Art Space, North Vancouver, Canada, 2018
Eye of the Needle, embroidery, Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Canada, 2017 - 2018
OUTPUT-INPUT, Members’ Retrospective Exhibition, video art, emmedia, Calgary, Canada, 2017
National Parlliamentary Library of Georgia, painting, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2016
City of Mtskheta, painting, Mtskheta, Georgia, 2016
National Museum of Georgia, painting, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2015
City of Mtskheta, painting, Mtskheta, Georgia, 2015
Selected Group Exhibitions
Integrate Arts Festival, painting, IAF Headquarters, Victoria, Canada, 2014
Made in Calgary: The Nineties, video, Glenbow Museum/Calgary Contemporary Art Gallery, Calgary, Canada, 2014
Pride Exhibition, embroidery, Medrona Gallery, Victoria, Canada, 2012
Role, embroidered mixed media, Stride Gallery, Calgary, Canada, 2011
Local Works, painting, Biggar Art Gallery & Museum, Biggar, Canada, 1999
A Duchampian Look at the Glenbow’s Art Collection, assemblage, Glenbow Museum, Calgary, 1997
Technology as Art II, Tableaux Vivants video installation, The New Gallery, Calgary, Canada, 1997
ckmd preformed, multimedia collaboration with Mark Dicey, Truck Artist run Centre, Calgary, Canada, 1994
New Canadian Video, “Chrysalis” video, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA, 1994
11e Festival International du Film 8 et Video, video, Brussels, Belgium, 1992
Recent Acquisitions, “A Pack of Lies” video, The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 1989
Women Looking: Creating Feminine Spaces, video, Toronto, Canada, 1987
Solo Exhibitions
Tableaux Vivants: Vancouver, video installation, Video In, Vancouver, Canada, 1998
Book of Shadows, video premiere, Stride Gallery, Calgary, Canada, 1994
Selini, assemblage, Muttart Public Art Gallery, Calgary, Canada, 1991
The Journey, installation/performance, The New Gallery, Calgary, Canada, 1989
The Mythanthropist, drawing, Truck Artist Run Centre, Calgary, Canada, 1987
Selected Performance Art
Stockholm Slave, solo endurance performance, Calgary/Victoria/Vancouver Canada, 1999-2011
Explaining Cosmology to a Live Chicken & Explaining Genetics to a Dead Salmon, solo, Maenad Theatre’s Femfest, Calgary, Canada, 1997
ckmd: Preformed, ckmd on the air, ckmd on the move, and more, with Mark Dicey, Truck Artist run Centre, CJSW FM, The Night Gallery, ACAD, Bridgeland Community Centre, Calgary, 1994-1995
Spitting Nickels, solo, Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Canada, 1994
Mz. Frankenstein, with Tanya Mars & Sandra Vida, The New Gallery, Calgary, Canada, 1992
Feedback and Forth/Life is Strange! More to Follow, Collaborative/solo performance residency, curated/contributor, M. Vanci Stirnemann. Helmhaus Public Gallery; Radio LoRa, Zurich, Switzerland, Kultursagi Art Centre, Winterthur, Switzerland, Galerie Theuretzbacher, Vienna, Kunstvereinhorn, Horn, Austria, 1991
The Journey, solo, The New Gallery, Calgary, Canada, 1989
Niagara, solo, The Nickel Arts Museum, Calgary, Canada, 1988
Professional Consultation & Teaching
Committee Member, on various programming, planning and volunteer committees at The New Gallery, emmedia, Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers, Truck Artist Run Centre, Calgary, Canada, 1985 - 1999.
Mentor, Women’s Art Mentoring Program, The New Gallery and Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Canada, 1997
Juror, Canada Council Video Production, 1991 & 1992
Curator, “The Influences of Maya Deren”, Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers, Calgary, Canada, 1996
Curator, “Night Vision”, with Grant Poier, Olympic Plaza, Calgary, Canada, 1994
Coordinator/Instructor, Basic Video/TV Production Training Program, for volunteers of Rogers/Shaw Cable 10, Calgary, Canada, 1993 - 1995
Board Member, emmedia, Calgary, Canada, 1987 & 1992
Curator, The Window Project, The New Gallery, Calgary, Canada, 1990
Instructor, Performance Art/Video Art workshops, emmedia, Calgary, Video Verite, Saskatoon, Video Pool, Winnipeg, 1987 - 1992
Selected Bibliography
A Perfect Match: TBC Bank and International Festival for Painters, Lomadze, Maka, Georgia Today, June 2, 2016.
Alberta Arts and Artists: An Overview, Ainslie, Patricia and LaViolette, Mary-Beth, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Canada, 2007.
Gray Matter, Henricks, Nelson. For Caught in the Act, a collection of essays about Canadian Women artists, Mars, T. and Householder, J. ed., YYZ books, Toronto, Canada, 2004.
ckmd preformed, Viner, Jeff, catalogue, Truck Gallery, Calgary, Canada, 1995
L’Unite dans le deconstruction, Carriere, Daniel, Le Devoir, May 30, 1992
FeedBack and Forth/Life is Strange!More to Follow:, Stirnemann, M.V., and Schick, C., ed., collaborative artist book/catalogue, Zurich Switzerland, 1992
Performance Art in Canada 1970-1990, ed. Richard, Alain-Michel and Robertson, Clive, Québec: Les Éditions Intervention and Coach House Press, 1991
Garneau, D. and Cousins C.K., Interview re: The Journey, CJSW Radio, Calgary, Canada, February 10, 1989
Nickel Arts Display Shows Growth of Local Artists, Tousley, N., Calgary Herald, re:Elemental Instincts Exhibition. Review, October 30. 1988
Georg, A., One Man’s Junk is Another Man’s Treasure, re: Colleen Kerr’s found art assemblages, The Homestretch, CBC AM radio, Calgary, Canada, September, 1988.
Awards & Honours
Canada Council Video Production Grant, 1989
Canada Council Video Production Grant, 1988
The Alberta College of Art and Design
The Alberta Art Foundation
The Glenbow Museum
The National Gallery of Canada
The City of Mtskheta, Georgia
TBC Bank, Tbilisi, Georgia
Diverse private collections worldwide